Telegram is a messaging and file exchange service. Telegram was invented and created by Pavel Durov. Its differences from WhatsApp and Viber are 100% data protection and the ability to create channels and chat bots for comfortable communication with the audience.

The number of monthly active users of the service as of March 2022 is about 550 million people. Telecom operators confirm that Telegram is the most popular messenger in the world in terms of traffic volume.
Our offer
At the beginning of 2022, Telegram surpassed Facebook Messenger in the world ranking of messengers and rose to second place. In 14 countries, it is in first place – Russia, Armenia, Belgium, Latvia, Cambodia, Venezuela and others. Now new bloggers from other social networks with an active audience have come to Telegram. And it is already possible to place your advertisement with them.

The number of advertising posts has doubled over the last year and amounted to 44.4 million. But Messenger still remains an attractive, spam-free platform with an active and engaged audience.

Now 40% of users pay attention to advertisements and consider them useful, not annoying. What is the reason? In Telegram, the quality of their information is very important for channel authors. Therefore, they publish advertisements that are useful to their audience.

You don’t have to think about the promotion strategy and the mechanics of user interaction with your ad. We will take this job ourselves. We will also select channels, prepare advertising, publish or advertise a chat bot in Telegram and provide reports.
countries of the world - geography of the service
people — daily audience growth in the messenger
1.5 million
years — the main age of messenger users
among all messengers in 14 countries of the world
1st place
You don't have to lead your own advertising channel. A link to any Internet resource is enough. We will select the appropriate channels for advertising with bloggers in Telegram on our own.
Cost of services: from $250. The advertising budget is paid additionally
Channel PR
We promote your channel by dint of mutual PR or advertising in other communities. No risk to your reputation.
Cost of services: from $150
Audit of the channel and competitors
If you analyze your own channel and competitors' channels, you will find growth points and build a blog development strategy.
Cost of services: from $150
Chatbot development
Automate processes and typical communication using chatbots. Bots work without pauses and weekends and are available to all users at the same time. Minimize the costs and time spent answering frequent questions and sending ads to your customers.
Cost of services: from $150
Send an application to receive a brief for promotion in Telegram
By clicking on the button, you agree to the privacy policy
Stage 1
Drafting brief
In order for you to get the desired result, during a joint call we will ask questions related to your business. After the call, you will receive a protocol for approval of the full terms of reference with all the details of the execution.
Stage 2
Advertising or auditing
Depending on the desired result, we will select channels and determine the conditions and formats for advertising.
For the audit, we will jointly select competitors and create a clear report for you.

Stage 3
Result Analysis
Every month you will receive transparent reports on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in Telegram for each channel.
Field of activity: money transfer services without opening a bank account.

A task: attract targeted traffic to install the brand application, get a loan application through the app.

  • we have selected and placed promotional materials on 46 Telegram channels, which are read by residents of the CIS countries;
  • we held communication in national languages with representatives of the channels to clarify the terms of cooperation and agree on advertising materials.
  • the total coverage was 1,414,640 visitors to Telegram channels;
  • cost per thousand impressions (CPM) was $2,03;
  • received more than 2500 application installations;
  • achieved a low cost of the install - $1,12.
Field of activity: news portal about the world of NFT, training and investment in crypto art.

Task: to attract active subscribers to the Telegram channel.

  • we have selected and placed advertising materials in similar Telegram communities for audience exchange.

  • during the month, 517 subscribers were attracted to the channel for free!
  • the average daily coverage of the record is 169 views;
  • chart of audience growth since the launch of the mutual promotion campaign:


We are strategists, marketers, analysts, targetologists, SEO specialists, copywriters, programmers, designers and managers who direct the team's creativity and intelligence to achieve the client's goals.

We have over 100 solved cases on lead generation and promotion on the Internet. From wedding agency to production companies. From a driving school to the sale of elite land plots.

We are experts in contextual, targeted and display advertising, as well as in SEO promotion. We can make your customers an offer they can't refuse.
Submit an application to launch promotion in Telegram with RE:SPOND
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